Source code for pytams.xmlutils

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

[docs] class XMLUtilsError(Exception): """Exception class for the xmlutils.""" pass
[docs] def manualCast(elem: ET.Element): """Manually cast XML elements reads.""" if elem.attrib["type"] == "int": return elem.tag, int(elem.text) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "float": return elem.tag, float(elem.text) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "float64": return elem.tag, np.float64(elem.text) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "complex": return elem.tag, complex(elem.text) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "bool": if (elem.text == "True"): return elem.tag, True else: return elem.tag, False elif elem.attrib["type"] == "str": return elem.tag, str(elem.text) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "ndarray": stripped_text = elem.text.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", " ") return elem.tag, np.fromstring(stripped_text, sep=" ") elif elem.attrib["type"] == "datetime": return elem.tag, datetime.strptime(elem.text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") else: raise XMLUtilsError( "Type {} not handled by manualCast !".format(elem.attrib["type"]) )
[docs] def dict_to_xml(tag: str, d) -> ET.Element: """Return an Element from a dictionnary. Args: tag: a root tag d: a dictionary """ elem = ET.Element(tag) for key, val in d.items(): # Append an Element child = ET.Element(key) child.attrib["type"] = type(val).__name__ child.text = str(val) elem.append(child) return elem
[docs] def xml_to_dict(elem: ET.Element) -> dict: """Return an dictionnary an Element. Args: tag: a root tag elem: an etree element """ d = {} for child in elem: tag, entry = manualCast(child) d[tag] = entry return d
[docs] def new_element(key: str, val) -> ET.Element: """Return an Element from two args. Args: key: the element key val: the element value """ elem = ET.Element(key) elem.attrib["type"] = type(val).__name__ elem.text = str(val) return elem
[docs] def make_xml_snapshot(idx: int, time: float, score: float, state) -> ET.Element: """Return a snapshot in XML elemt format. Args: idx: snapshot index time: the time stamp score: the snapshot score function state: the associated state """ elem = ET.Element("Snap_{:07d}".format(idx)) elem.attrib["time"] = str(time) elem.attrib["score"] = str(score) elem.attrib["type"] = type(state).__name__ elem.text = str(state) return elem
[docs] def read_xml_snapshot(snap: ET.Element): """Return snapshot data from an XML snapshot elemt. Args: snap: an XML snapshot elemt """ time = float(snap.attrib["time"]) score = float(snap.attrib["score"]) _, state = manualCast(snap) return time, score, state