Source code for pytams.trajectory

import os
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pytams.xmlutils import dict_to_xml
from pytams.xmlutils import make_xml_snapshot
from pytams.xmlutils import new_element
from pytams.xmlutils import read_xml_snapshot
from pytams.xmlutils import xml_to_dict

[docs] class Trajectory: """A class defining a stochastic trajectory. Includes an instance of the forward model, current and end times, and a list of the model snapshots for each new maximum of the score function along the way. """ def __init__(self, fmodel_t, parameters: dict, trajId: str) -> None: """Create a trajectory. Args: fmodel_t: the forward model type parameters: a dictionary of input parameters trajId: a string for the trajectory id """ self._fmodel = fmodel_t(parameters, trajId) self._parameters = parameters self._t_cur = 0.0 self._t_end = self._parameters.get("traj.end_time", 1.0) self._dt = self._parameters.get("traj.step_size", 0.1) # List of new maximums self._time = [] self._state = [] self._score = [] self._score_max = 0.0 self._tid = trajId self._checkFile = "{}.xml".format(trajId) self._has_ended = False self._has_converged = False
[docs] def setCheckFile(self, file: str) -> None: """Setter of the trajectory checkFile.""" self._checkFile = file
[docs] def id(self) -> str: """Return trajectory Id.""" return self._tid
[docs] def advance(self, t_end: float = 1.0e12, walltime: float = 1.0e12) -> None: """Advance the trajectory to a prescribed end time. Args: t_end: the end time of the advance walltime: a walltime limit to advance the model to t_end """ startTime = time.monotonic() remainingTime = walltime - time.monotonic() + startTime end_time = min(t_end, self._t_end) stoichForcingAmpl = self._parameters.get("traj.stoichForcing", 0.5) convergedVal = self._parameters.get("traj.targetScore", 0.95) while ( self._t_cur < end_time and not self._has_converged and remainingTime >= 0.05 * walltime ): dt = self._fmodel.advance(self._dt, stoichForcingAmpl) self._t_cur = self._t_cur + dt score = self._fmodel.score() if score > self._score_max: self._time.append(self._t_cur) self._state.append(self._fmodel.getCurState()) self._score.append(score) self._score_max = score if score >= convergedVal: self._has_converged = True remainingTime = walltime - time.monotonic() + startTime if self._t_cur >= self._t_end or self._has_converged: self._has_ended = True if self._has_ended: self._fmodel.clear()
[docs] def restoreFromChk( cls, chkPoint: str, fmodel_t, parameters: dict = None, ): """Return a trajectory restored from an XML chkfile.""" assert os.path.exists(chkPoint) is True tree = ET.parse(chkPoint) root = tree.getroot() paramsfromxml = xml_to_dict(root.find("parameters")) metadata = xml_to_dict(root.find("metadata")) t_id = metadata["id"] if parameters is not None: restTraj = Trajectory(fmodel_t=fmodel_t, parameters=parameters, trajId=t_id) else: restTraj = Trajectory( fmodel_t=fmodel_t, parameters=paramsfromxml, trajId=t_id ) restTraj._t_end = metadata["t_end"] restTraj._t_cur = metadata["t_cur"] restTraj._dt = metadata["dt"] restTraj._score_max = metadata["score_max"] restTraj._has_ended = metadata["ended"] restTraj._has_converged = metadata["converged"] snapshots = root.find("snapshots") for snap in snapshots: time, score, state = read_xml_snapshot(snap) restTraj._time.append(time) restTraj._score.append(score) restTraj._state.append(state) return restTraj
[docs] def restartFromTraj( cls, traj, rstId: str, score: float, ): """Create a new trajectory. Loading the beginning of a provided trajectory for all entries with score below a given score Args: traj: an already existing trajectory to restart from rstId: the id of the trajectory being restarted score: a threshold score """ # Check for empty trajectory if not traj._score: restTraj = Trajectory( fmodel_t=type(traj._fmodel), parameters=traj._parameters, trajId=rstId, ) return restTraj high_score_idx = 0 while traj._score[high_score_idx] < score: high_score_idx += 1 restTraj = Trajectory( fmodel_t=type(traj._fmodel), parameters=traj._parameters, trajId=rstId ) for k in range(high_score_idx + 1): restTraj._score.append(traj._score[k]) restTraj._time.append(traj._time[k]) restTraj._state.append(traj._state[k]) restTraj._fmodel.setCurState(restTraj._state[-1]) restTraj._t_cur = restTraj._time[-1] restTraj._score_max = restTraj._score[-1] return restTraj
[docs] def store(self, traj_file: str = None) -> None: """Store the trajectory to an XML chkfile.""" root = ET.Element(self._tid) root.append(dict_to_xml("parameters", self._parameters)) mdata = ET.SubElement(root, "metadata") mdata.append(new_element("id", self._tid)) mdata.append(new_element("t_cur", self._t_cur)) mdata.append(new_element("t_end", self._t_end)) mdata.append(new_element("dt", self._dt)) mdata.append(new_element("score_max", self._score_max)) mdata.append(new_element("ended", self._has_ended)) mdata.append(new_element("converged", self._has_converged)) snaps = ET.SubElement(root, "snapshots") for k in range(len(self._score)): snaps.append( make_xml_snapshot(k, self._time[k], self._score[k], self._state[k]) ) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) ET.indent(tree, space="\t", level=0) if traj_file is not None: tree.write(traj_file) else: tree.write(self._checkFile)
[docs] def ctime(self) -> float: """Return the current trajectory time.""" return self._t_cur
[docs] def stepSize(self) -> float: """Return the time step size.""" return self._dt
[docs] def scoreMax(self) -> float: """Return the maximum of the score function.""" return self._score_max
[docs] def isConverged(self) -> bool: """Return True for converged trajectory.""" return self._has_converged
[docs] def hasEnded(self) -> bool: """Return True for terminated trajectory.""" return self._has_ended
[docs] def hasStarted(self) -> bool: """Return True if computation has started.""" return self._t_cur > 0.0
[docs] def checkFile(self) -> str: """Return the trajectory check file name.""" return self._checkFile